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  • Writer's pictureHarry Van Koll


These mental-emotional complexes that we identify with having and experiencing are just that - complexities of mind.

The REAL you, I mean who you REALLY are, does not know these things.

You do not come into the world knowing these ideas, yet from the moment of birth you are a living, breathing genius and powerhouse of problem-solving and are able to overcome the challenges that you are beset with as a new life born into the world.

You learn and conquer, against all odds, how to get up on two legs even though you don’t understand or consciously know how to do it.

You manage to teach yourself your language, without any prior linguistic knowledge or without even knowing what language is.

This is a profoundly remarkable act!

And you do it all without prior knowing or understanding or any reference at all.

You do it without over-thinking.

This is a great example of the genius of your unconscious mind that is able to overcome and learn and break through the limitations that the thinking-intellectual mind gets trapped in.

When you are a child, your intellect is not fully developed yet. And yet, you manage to learn everything that you need to manage and survive and get what you want and need in life.

You don’t stop to think with a pen and paper about how you’re going to do something, you just do it.

At some point in life, we start to think that we have to intellectualise everything and think our way through life.

We start to identify more and more with our thinking, logical mind - and this slowly removes and separates us from our inner genius that transcends logic and sense.

These layers of separation from our real self are the complexes of thought that disconnect us from our inner True Self, and our inner True Will that can accomplish the greatest of feats and acts.

This separation slowly increases over time, until there is a vast distance between your true self that is unlimited, and the limited thinking-mind that you have slowly come to full identification with over the years.

This distance, this abyss, this disconnection from our inner self, is what conjures up the feelings of powerlessness, fear, anxiety and can eventually turn into depression.

Because you have gotten to a point where you think you need to work everything out solely with the thinking-mind, and because the thinking-mind is profoundly limited in its capabilities (compared to the inner genius), this creates the false predicament where you see yourself as powerless against a force in your life whether it is anxiety, depression or whatever may befront you.

But this feeling of powerlessness is a false predicament.

And the thinking-mind will never be able to solve it.

What needs to happen is a bridging of this vast gap between the thinking-mind and your authentic self. A re-establishing of a connection with the real, inner genius and True Self that is YOU.

By collapsing this divide and establishing this profound connection with your inner genius, you can transcend the limitations you encounter in life.

Through this process, we shatter the boundaries of our perceived capabilities and open ourselves to accomplishing far more than we currently believe is possible.




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