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  • Writer's pictureHarry Van Koll

Master THESE skills and you master Life!

At the subatomic level, thoughts mixed with feelings emit frequencies that entrain the quantum field.

Anxiety, panic and fear generate incoherent wavelengths, scattering your energy…

When you want to start mastering your reality and mind - the very first thing you have to do is start taking 100% responsibility for your own thoughts and feelings.

Fostering the abilities to concentrate your mind, and enter into stillness at will, are such incredibly important skills to master.

➡️ Single-pointed concentration and focus is how you bring ideas into form.

➡️ Entering into stillness and thought-vacancy, to the place behind your thoughts, collapses and dissolves thought patterns and structures.

This gives you the ability to de-fabricate that which you do not want anymore, and create that which you want.

These two fundamental mind-mastery skills give you complete control over your mind and therefore your reality.

Modern society devalues concentration and stillness. But champions short attention-spans and 10-second video reels.

Go watch any modern tv show and you will see the camera cutting to a different angle or shot literally every 1-2 seconds. Sometimes even shorter.

This destroys your ability to concentrate, and to enter into stillness - the two fundamental pillars of self-mastery you need to develop if you ever want to feel in control of yourself and your life.

It creates thought-static in your mind and emotional-static in your heart.

And getting your mind and heart in coherence is so important!

The more static in the electromagnetic field that your mind and heart emits, the more disorganised the energy field is around you.

And that field you’re emitting is literally signalling resonant potentials in the greater field and pulling them into your reality.

Mind and heart static don’t only create confusion and lack of clarity in the field - but this incoherence also directly affects the epigenetics of your cells.

New science is showing that our bodies cells are directly affected by the information in the energetic field that surrounds them. We literally program our cells into or out of health and functionality with our thoughts and feelings.

You are not as much a result of your genetics as you are of your thinking.

This is mind-blowing stuff. If you’re interested in investigating this further I’d highly recommend checking out the work of Dr. Joe Dispenza and Dr. Bruce Lipton.

To bring this all home, our thoughts and feelings play a role in the experience and unfoldment of our lives that has much more of a relevance than we ever realised before. The ancients knew this. Modern science is starting to catch up quicker than it was probably ready for. The new research is quickly dissolving old belief structures and ‘facts’.

The way to really get in on this and start taking charge of your own mind, your body and your reality is to master the skills of concentration and the ability to vacate your mind, and enter into stillness and release.

If you only ever master these very fundamental skills, you will set yourself up with a superpower that will help you take complete control of your self and your life. And the reality is, these skills are not that far off in achievability when you understand the logical causation-chains that get you there.

You DO NOT need to spend years in meditation to achieve these abilities. They are actually quite close, because they are innate.

There are causative mechanics to unlocking these skills, when we strip away the fluff and confusion that is commonly associated, we can develop these skills very quickly.

I am now offering coaching and mentoring in mind and self-mastery in addition to my current services.

Next year I will be running some workshops and programs in the areas of mind & self mastery, meditation and energy work, quantum reality generation, etc. So keep an eye out! 😄

If interested in pursuing any of these practices, please feel free to get in contact.


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