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  • Writer's pictureHarry Van Koll


Pessimists, pragmatically fearful of seeing everything in a rosy light, often caution optimists against such views...

But if you've ever noticed how your thoughts shape your reality, you'll understand that what you concentrate on tends to magnify and grow.

Just like a spotlight, your attention highlights the aspects of life you focus on — and what you focus on ➡️ expands and amplifies ⬅️.

When your thoughts emit negative frequencies, they pull similar negative thoughts and situations that are in resonance with this frequency to you. This is like tuning into a radio station broadcasting negativity — you're bound to hear negative things.

If your thoughts are constantly attuned to being fearful and afraid, your life, in reflection, will start to fill up with a plethora of things to be fearful and afraid of.

By consistently focusing on the negative, you pile up negative thought waves, and this compounds over time.

You might see evidence supporting this negativity in your life, but remember — the 'proof' of this negativity is actually the product of the thoughts that bred it, NOT the other way around!

There will always be negativity in the world, but tuning into it will only bring resonant situations into YOUR life.

When you allow only positivity into your world, you create chains of positive feedback-loops.

Over time, these loops stack up and create streams of good luck and fortune. Waves of success. And you can ride these to some pretty amazing places.

You transform into someone for whom things always seem to just work out. Even against all odds, things just go your way. You get smiles instead of frowns.

To kickstart this process, consciously notice and appreciate all the small wins and positive events in your life.

Shower these moments with your attention.

Any good news that enters your sphere, give it your full focus.

Because where attention goes, energy flows.

Gather these little wins and focus on them.

Your attention breathes life into them.

Wonder to yourself what the next win might be…

Start to build a positive expectancy.

Let any negativity pass through you as you remain empty, leaving no trace behind. Don't give it a foothold.

Negativity needs something to hook into, it needs your emotional response. Don’t feed it!

Remain empty and un-phased, and it will move on to someone else.

Stay an observer of your life, amplifying ONLY that which you wish to grow…

This is how you create your own luck.

The act of observation literally influences material reality!

Go and read up on quantum physics if you want to learn more about this.

And in the meantime, start observing your reality into existence.


Helping people overcome anxiety & achieve Self-Mastery…


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