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  • Writer's pictureHarry Van Koll


Facing your fear. Doing what scares you. Even going after your dreams that might seem impossible by normal accounts, with a tenacity and perseverance that alchemises the impossible into the possible…

The impossible always seems impossible. And the abilities needed to get there always seem superhuman. And that’s because they are!

To go beyond your fear and doubt, to act in transcendence of rationality, to persevere in your vision or life’s purpose in spite of all adversity, to be the real you uncompromisingly even if it’s not fashionable or acceptable to the normal way of doing things, all this requires you to BE super-human!

That is, you have to literally go beyond the Human person that you have been up until now! You have to rise up out of the ashes of your comfort zone burning to the ground! You have to push yourself up and above the limitations of your old self, in order to break through them.

You have to become super-human.

The trust required to face your fears, doubts and the seeming impossibility of what lies ahead is a super-human act. You literally have to hatch out of the shell of your old self and leave it behind.

But when you do this, you are shedding those old layers of limiting self-beliefs and character traits you have accrued over the years.

And this unlimits you.

Each fear you face, each convention you break, each self-delineated limit you collapse grants you even more capacity for even more LIFE and experiences.

There are so many infinite life experiences that are available to you.

The universe is infinite!

We evoke finite boundaries out of the boundless.

We delineate spaces WITHIN the spaceless.   

We superimpose edges over the edgeless.

We do all this with our mind. With our perception.

Perception creates our personal reality!

When we face our fears and debunk our own beliefs and limitations by going out there and proving them wrong, we show ourselves how much more possibility there is to life. How much more there is to YOU than you thought.

There is infinite space, and infinite potential, if you have the courage to dare to find out.

You have to become super-human.

You have to trust yourself and the flow of life to get you there.

Because this trust in yourself takes you to the places where your dreams become reality!

Everything you want in life is available to you, fear and doubt are the major self-maintained iron-walls that keep you stuck in the pen.

Learn to fly.

Learn to see in the dark.

Learn to be Immortal.

Become Fearless! Persevering. Tenacious.

Have Courage. Will. Determination.

Go beyond the capacity of normal!

There really are NO limits.





Helping people break through fear, self-doubt & anxiety and become who they truly are!

Anxiety & Depression Rapid-Breakthrough™️

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