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  • Writer's pictureHarry Van Koll


Anxiety disconnects you from your true self - the timeless awareness that YOU are beyond any emotion or thought.

When you reconnect with your inner essence, you give yourself the power to overcome anxiety.

Because when any worry arises, you have the inner knowing that who YOU really are cannot be bluffed by any fear-based emotion that tries to vie for your immediate attention.

Instead, any worrisome or anxious thoughts become a tool for your expedited growth. They show you where you are next able to disconnect old thinking patterns and release into further peace and stability of mind.

Anxious thoughts simply reveal how far your mind has wandered from its own source - the still, silent awareness that is the real you.

In one of these moments, you set the anxious thoughts aside and ask yourself: "Who am I beyond any feeling or identity?"

Return to your essence: What is prior to fear, anxiety and worry?

Reconnect with the peace that already rests within, untouched by anxiety or concern.

Remember, YOU are the vast awareness in which worry has arisen.

Anxious emotions are temporary waves appearing in the infinite ocean of your own being.

When you resolve to live from this deeper inner place, beyond fear's narrow confines, you self-determine to abide as the peace that you are, letting all thoughts come and go like passing clouds.

Observe as that silent witness, untouched by fear or trouble.

With the observer perspective, anxiety cannot disturb your peace like it used to.

Worry reveals how lost you've become from this place of power within yourself - then strengthens your resolve to come back home.

The power that anxiety seems to hold is always an illusion, born of forgetting your own indwelling strength.

Reconnect with the infinite awareness that you are, PRIOR to EVERY emotion.

Watch thoughts arise and then fall away, whilst you simply remain.

This practice will take you on a journey that eventually leads to true self-mastery.

And with the resilient determination to KNOW who you really are, anxiety cannot come anywhere near the joy that is your own true nature.

Reconnect with the REAL YOU - and fear dissolves on contact.


Anxiety & Depression Rapid-Breakthrough™️

Helping people finally beat anxiety to live a life FREE from fear, panic and self-doubt…

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